
  • Spiritual Intuition 1

    Psychic ability, a sixth sense, the gift of prophecy, clairvoyance, clairsentience — there are many names to describe this quality we simply call “spiritual intuition.” Everyone has intuition; the degree to which it is used varies from person to person. Intuition is often defined as “a knowing, without the use of rational processes.”

    Everyone has this innate ability in them, and you are using it more often than you realize!

    In this workshop, you will learn about the spiritual senses, how to activate them, strengthen them, and build your psychic awareness and sensitivity in a safe and comfortable way. You will be handed down tools and techniques that you can practice every day to develop your psychic abilities and consciously work with your intuition every day.

    2 - hours - $50 per person

  • Spiritual Intuition 2

    This course, an advanced version of Spiritual Intuition 1, offers a deeper exploration of your spiritual abilities, including clairvoyance (seeing), clairaudience (hearing), and clairsentience (feeling). Discover how these gifts can enhance your daily life.

    These skills can be applied practically, aiding in analyzing situations and relationships effectively. Mastering this will help avoid errors and heartache. Embark on this class to explore the depths of your authentic self!

    3 - hours - $75 per person

  • 7 Mystery Schools

    In this enlightening class, you will explore the 7 mystery schools of Earth. For thousands of years, these schools have remained shrouded in secrecy, often becoming part of historical legend. Associated with the occult, they have always carried an air of mystery and intrigue. Throughout history, those who studied at or were associated with these schools have been depicted as extraordinary individuals with a wide array of talents, many of whom are notable figures in our history books.

    These schools were traditionally closed to the public, their teachings reserved for royalty and the exceptionally gifted. However, as humanity's consciousness has evolved to new heights, everyone is now ready to receive this ancient knowledge.

    In this class, you will learn about the location and purpose of each school, their collective mission, their correlation to the body, and much more.

    The Modern Mystery School is one of these seven schools, preserving its teachings and lineage for this pivotal moment in time. The knowledge and practices once held in utmost secrecy are now accessible to all, guiding us toward a new era of peace and understanding, often referred to as Shamballa.

    This class offers an in-depth look at the profound information and mysteries contained within these ancient schools.

    3 - hours - $50 per person

  • Stress Rescue

    Stress can be beaten! Achieve a better understanding of stress and live a joyful life!

    Stress seems to be a daily part of our modern-day lives and we know that it is a huge contributor to negative results in our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. The more stress we experience, the more we are at risk of living with ailments of all types. While it is not entirely possible to live completely stress-free, we do know that a great degree of our stress is optional. In this amazing workshop, you will take the time to get to the root of stress and understand it from a metaphysical level.

    You will uncover a better understanding of:

    What is stress and where does it come from?

    How does stress affect my life and health?

    How do I begin to minimize the stress in my life?

    What methods and tools do I have at my disposal to manage my stress?

    Full day - $200 per person

  • Awaken Thyself

    Many spiritual seekers will find themselves upon the steps of the Mystery School, wondering what it’s all about, asking the question of the ages, on the journey to truly knowing oneself. If you are that seeker, wondering “What’s next? Where do I go from here? The Awaken Thyself workshop opens up the gateway to the path of initiation. You can experience the essence of the ancient mysteries, connect to the energy of initiation, learn about the benefits, and what to expect. You will be guided through meditation and ritual so you can make an educated and discerning decision if this path is truly for you.

    2 - hours - $50 per person

  • Journeys of the Spirit

    Ready to connect and strengthen your connection to your Higher Self?

    Are you ready to strengthen your psychic abilities?

    Have you ever wondered if the information you a receiving in your meditation is right for you?

    Want to learn how to strengthen your meditation practice or simply learn how to meditate?

    (all levels welcomed)

    Want to learn how to connect with your higher self and other beings of light in a safe container?

    This class is designed to help expand your awareness and strengthen your discernment so that you can grow in the personal and professional aspects of your life.

    You will be guided on how to create a safe environment and how to integrate this technique and knowledge into your day-to-day life

    Full Day - $375

  • Sacred Geometry 1

    Join a class that delves into Geometric Shapes, energy reading, and creating Sacred Spaces. Learn about shapes, energy transformation, and creating a peaceful environment. Topics include universe shapes, unlocking potential, energy upliftment, and personal space enhancement for healing and recharging. Suitable for anyone seeking to create a sacred and peaceful space in their home or work.

    4 - hours - $195

  • Sacred Geometry 2

    Explore crystal healing in a workshop:

    Learn over 10 crystal healings for self and others

    Work with twin crystals for readings

    Set up ancient crystal grids for energy

    Practice with crystals and receive healing

    The workshop includes twin quartz crystals, healing crystals, and a manual.

    Full Day - $450

  • Sacred Geometry 3

    Sacred Geometry III focuses on the human aura, which consists of 7 layers providing vitality and manifestation. The class teaches Egyptian Aura Healing for fixing aura holes, boosting energy, and balancing different bodies for lasting healing benefits.

    4 - hours - $385

  • Sacred Geometry 4

    Advanced Sacred Geometry classes provide 3 new methods to protect and seal space, creating living temples for high vibrations at home. Benefits include increased love and peace, a protected safe haven, and empowerment for higher service. Reserved for Modern Mystery School Initiates, the class offers secrets for transforming space with greater light.

    4 - hours - $385

  • Astral Travel 1

    Are you ready to expand your consciousness?

    Are you ready to go beyond the physical body?

    Do you want to learn how to safely travel to different worlds and dimensions?

    In this 4 hour workshop, you will learn how to properly and safely astral travel. Use a certain method to create a protected space, so you can travel through the different dimensions and gain insight & knowledge of who you are and of the universe that surrounds you. We will go over the energetic anatomy of a human and what we’re capable of.

    This ancient teaching will help you to understand what is happening and where you are going when you meditate and sleep.

    Are you ready to leap to deepen your meditation practice and realize how big you are?

    4 - hours - $195 per person

  • Advanced Astral Travel 2

    Ever pondered the concept of being a multi-dimensional being? Beyond just our physical and spiritual selves, we possess an infinite spirit that allows us to journey through any time and place of our choosing. In Advanced Astral Travel, you discover the art of traversing diverse dimensions safely.

    This training offers a practical opportunity to immerse yourself in the process and acquire the skills needed to travel securely to alternate dimensions. While it may sound whimsical at first, this skill is incredibly significant. Through Astral Travel, you can introduce fresh energy and innovative solutions from other dimensions into your everyday life. Not only is it deeply calming, but it also serves as a potent method to explore and manifest your higher self on Earth!

    6 - hours - $300 per person

  • 12 Magickal Beings of Earth

    Fairies, Elves, Mer, and other beings are a part of the 12 Magickal Beings Of Earth and they are real.

    In the Mystery School tradition, we are trained on how to work with these beings. They are here to help humanity evolve and with the creation of world peace.

    In this 4-hour class, we will go over all 12 of them, learn a few of their secrets, and at the end of class, we will connect with all of them through a guided meditation.

    4 - hours - $250