Crystal Grids

What is a Crystal?


Crystals may look like simple pieces of glass, but the truth is, they are much more than that. Their function and abilities go far beyond what our human eyes can see. These two dimensional beings are a part of the mineral kingdom and – like plants – are very much alive. For thousands of years, crystals have been used by tribes and different groups for manifestation, healing and even magick.

So, how can crystals be used inside a home or business? What exactly are crystal grids and, most importantly, what are their benefits?

What is a Crystal Grid?


Crystals may look like simple pieces of glass, but the truth is, they are much more than that. Their function and abilities go far beyond what our human eyes can see. These two dimensional beings are a part of the mineral kingdom and – like plants – are very much alive. For thousands of years, crystals have been used by tribes and different groups for manifestation, healing and even magick.

So, how can crystals be used inside a home or business? What exactly are crystal grids and, most importantly, what are their benefits?

Types of Grids

  • The Sputnik

    The history of Sputnik is tied to the history of the science of rocketry. The name was used to describe a somewhat primitive device that still fulfilled the definition of a manmade satellite.

    Much like a satellite, this crystal pattern increases the communication of minerals (specifically clear quartz) to create an increased sense of calm and connection in any space. It is designed to provide protection and safety and is always the first crystal grid to be placed. Once the Sputnik has been created, certain undesirable energies are inhibited from entering and other grids can be placed to enhance positivity and abundance.

  • The Divine Sphere

    This grid was and still is very commonly used in temples and chapels in Europe. Its primary function is to enable the flow of Divine or positive light into a space. The Divine Sphere, and the two dimensional characteristics of the crystals used to form this grid, truly work to enhance the energy of individuals inside the room. This will make a room feel larger and expand one’s view of reality – dismantling boundaries and minimizing limitations that we may put on ourselves.

  • The Spar

    The word spar can be traced back to apply to many different ideas and topics in history.

    One relevant reflection of the term originates in Dutch or Irish cultures that use it to describe an energy that is always existent and present when needed. This energy (as it is relevant to the grid) is the God or Goddess light energy. And so, the placement of this specific crystal pattern is incredibility empowering to individuals who dwell or simply stand in it. It works to strip away fears and inhibitions, allowing for a greater sense of awareness and power.

When creating a crystal grid in any space (home or business), all three of these
grids are recommended in unison. Each grid works independently, but together they truly form an illuminating environment.

  • Wholeness

    This final crystal pattern is also known as the Spiral of Completion or Manifestation grid. Unlike all other grids, it cannot be used in just any space. Wholeness creates an ideal energy for creation and the manifestation of just about everything. It must therefore be used in spaces that are specifically used for projects or practices that themselves have positive intended results. They cannot be used in rooms that are cluttered or in which negative conversations or thoughts occur because they will create more of those things. Private meditation or creative work spaces are ideal for this grid.


While the benefits of using these crystal grids in any home or business environment can be drawn from the descriptions of each grid, clients have further reported the following effects:

✓ General enhanced sense of well-being

✓ Decreased physical pain and ailments

✓ Greater sense of calmness and focus

✓ Increased cognitive function, mental clarity, motivation

✓ Empowerment / determination / passion

✓ Accelerated manifestation of projects and ideas

✓ Unity amongst employees or individuals – better communicative and cooperative skills

✓ Reduced negative thought and behavioural patterns (i.e. theft, addictive tendencies, depression, etc.)

…and much more!