
After many years of working with clients one on one I have found that the most important healing to start with is the Life Activation, it sets up the foundation for healing to happen. The second part of the Life Activation is the Full Spirit Activation. After the two are complete I will build a specific healing protocol just for you.


Life Activation

The Life Activation is a step forward to helping heal your physical and energetic body. It is one of the healings that I highly recommend to get first before all other healings.

This two hour session is one on one and includes five energetic alignments and an activation of the Spiritual part of your DNA, awakening you to your highest potential. This healing also helps to heal seven generations forward and seven generations back, not only are you healing yourself, you are also providing a service to your whole personal lineage.

This awakening of the DNA will help to realign you with your purpose/passions, it will help to shift your negative thoughts and habits to positive ones and helps to bring in clarity. Also supports sleep and decreases stress, anxiety, and depression.

This modality is by far one of my personal favorites because it meets you where you are at and will work with you the way that it needs to. No two experiences are the same. 


Full Spirit Activation

While the Life Activation amplifies your personal connection to your higher self, the FULL SPIRIT ACTIVATION takes that one step further to increase your connection to your soul. By activating these higher aspects of your energy bodies, you are switching-on the superhero system that exists within everyone. This is the potential to perform miracles and the opportunity to optimize our own divinity.

This session involves awakening the Thalamus region, or “the old brain,” the Pituitary and Pineal glands, which increases the soul’s awareness to the physical experience, thus creating a richer appreciation for this amazing life.

Activating this awareness of the soul to the physical, will:

  • Unblock channels of awareness in the body

  • Enhance the nervous system and sensory interface to the physical

  • Intensify your physical and spiritual senses

  • Fight apathy in the soul

  • Help you feel more ALIVE

  • Boost your connection to life, nature and the people around you

  • Fill you with a sense of JOY

  • Help to provide clarity in your life purpose and path of service

  • Elevate your relationship to divinity and source

  • And so much more…