The Modern Mystery School

About the Mystery School

The Mystery Schools have existed throughout time and have been put into place for people who are looking for a higher calling in life and to walk the path of an initiate. We are a community of dedicated lightworkers, who work as healers and guides to help individuals find the empowerment that is needed to create peace from within. 

The Modern Mystery School headquarters are located in Toronto Ontario and can be found all over the world in over 50 countries. Founder Gudni opened up the doors in 1997 and has been working endlessly with Ipssiums Dave and Ipssiumd Hideto to bring the ancient knowledge and lineage of King Solamon to the whole world. 


Our Mission

The mission of The Mystery School is to help with the creation of Shambala, peace on earth. It is known the way to create peace, we must look inside and heal ourselves first. The MMS offers the path of initiation to know thyself, within these life-altering healings, ceremonies, initiations, and programs come true transformation. The school is known to be called “university for the soul” the curriculum focuses on awakening and realigning you with your highest potential and strengthening your awareness and getting rid of the negative ego. 

Unbroken Lineage

The key to the integrity and power of a true Mystery School is held in the unbroken lineage. The Modern Mystery School has an unbroken lineage traceable for 3,000 years, to the time of King Salomon, and continues through the oral tradition 8000 years to the time of Hermes. As one of the 7 Ancient Mystery Schools remaining on the planet, the Modern Mystery School is the only lineage that is currently open to the public. The oral keys and teachings of this lineage have been passed down through a special energetic handing down to maintain a powerful thread of authority and understanding. This is known as the path of initiation.

Lineage Holders

The keys for the lineage are held by the highest level of initiate, known as Ipsissimus. The title “Ipsissimus” honors the role of lineage holder, with the highest level of responsibility and authority to maintain the keys and existence of the unbroken lineage throughout the ages.

The Modern Mystery School Lineage Holders

Ipsissimus Gudni “Frater Ged” Gudnason
Founder of the Modern Mystery School

Ipsissimus Dave THOR Lanyon

Ipsissimus Hideto REI Nakagome


The Council
of 12


The Council of 12 is composed of 12 women anchoring the feminine aspect of the Divine. The Council of 12 works closely with the Lineage Holders to direct the energy of the lineage and provide leadership for the school at the highest level. 

The positions of the Council of 12 are held for a period of time, and members of the Council may shift as needed. Currently the Council of 12 includes:

  • Divina Franca Lanyon (Toronto)

  • Divina Theresa Bullard (USA)

  • Divina Liza Rossi (Brazil)

  • Divina Ann Donnely (Ireland)

  • Divina Kate Bartram-Brown (UK)

  • Divina Rita Van Den Berg (South Africa)

  • Divina Eiko Gudnason (Japan)

  • Divina Louisa Nakagome (Japan)

  • Divina Tsukiko Kimura (Japan)

  • Divina Maki Otani (Japan)

  • Divina Suzuki Kitamura(Japan)

  • Divina Yoda Asuza (Japan)

“Certified by the Modern Mystery School”

“Certified by the Modern Mystery School”