Who I Am

Hi, I’m Adelie

I am a mother, healer, meditation teacher, yoga instructor and a guide for those who are looking to know thyself deeper. 

My mission is to create world peace. I am achieving this through showing others the way that it was shown to me. For many years, I’ve been working with people of all walks of life, by helping them to empower their lives. 

It starts within.

Here’s the path that showed me the way...

It all began while I was searching for light in the darkest time of my life.

I had experienced loss, pain and deep depression, along with severe anxiety and trauma. I had tried everything, but nothing was working. I eventually found my way to a deeper path of knowledge with the Modern Mystery School and from there my life began to change for the better.

I had learned how to breathe, how to slow down, which led me to my power within. After a year of studying Metaphysics, I had found my ultimate purpose through this deeper path of knowledge. 

Today, I am here to guide you towards your purpose in life and to help you heal along the way. Healing yourself is not a race, it is a journey and wherever you are in your life, I am happy to meet you there.

Let’s connect!

Adelie LaViola

Adelie LaViola is a Guide, Certified Healer, Meditation Teacher, within the Lineage of King Salomon in addition she is a graduate of The Institute of Holistic Nutrition and Akhanda Yoga. 

Adelie is an energetic and dynamic practitioner who has brought a whole new vision on how to help heal the body, mind, and spirit. She has been operating her own successful private healing practice from home and from NatCan Integrative Medical and Wellness Center since 2015. She is also the owner of Crystal Connections, which creates magickal sprays and crystal grids homes and businesses since 2017. 

In her practice, she has collaborated with the three schools she has graduated from and combined with her life experiences is able to create a unique healing protocol for each of her clients.
